MySQL Error!
MySQL error in file: /engine/modules/online.php at line 146
Error Number: 1064
The Error returned was:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`time`=VALUES(`time`)' at line 3
SQL query:
INSERT INTO `dle_online` (`key`, `uid`, `uname`, `time`, `ip`, `user_agent`, `os`, `location`, `proxy`, `foto`, `user_group`)
VALUES ('0d8c1dc6374571ef7ad458edb88d4965', '0', 'robot', '1737630783', '', '', '', 'Jest na stronie Głównej', '', 'unknown', '5')
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `key`=VALUES(`key`), `user_agent`=VALUES(`user_agent`), `OS`='', `location`='Jest na stronie Głównej' `time`=VALUES(`time`)